Monday, April 18, 2011

The Twelve Worlds Anthology hits Amazon!

That's right, the anthology the world has been waiting for (at least, my world...)! The Twelve World's Anthology went live on Amazon on Sunday and, as of this writing, is #5801 in the kindle store! Although, I like the #8 bestseller in Science Fiction Short Stories list better.

So, what is the Twelve World's Anthology? It's over 80, 000 words of a wide variety of science fiction, fantasy, cyberpunk, urban fantasy, a dash of romance... all for $2.99. Twelve stories from twelve authors (plus two bonus stories from two bonus writers for a total of fourteen stories!) for $2.99.

And, as if that wasn't good enough, all author royalties go to Reading is Fundamental.

My story, "The Star-Eater," is set in the future, on a spaceship. Here's the little blurb on it: Karin wakes up one day on her starship, realizing her sister has been killed—but not before her sister cursed the murderer. Now she's got a man to kill. And her boss is starting to suspect that she's a little more than human...

So, if you are at all interested (how can you not be interested? There are amazing stories in here!), I encourage you to check out Twelve Worlds on Amazon (soon on Smashwords, too!). If nothing else, you'll be contributing to a great cause.

1 comment:

  1. It's good to see it, and I'm glad to have worked with all of you guys.
