Wednesday, December 22, 2010


New words written: ~700 today. (Been catching up on the other words I wrote for it that I failed to stuff into the processor.)
Stage: Shitty first draft.

8763 / 70000 words. 13% done!

Things done: Filled in a few gaps between the scenes I'd written, typed out scenes I had written on paper, filledin more gaps.

I figured you all wanted an update. Right?

Also, you might notice I lowered the max wordcount to 70 000. That's because I realized that, in a first draft, I am going to have way less words than when its finished. Also, it makes the percentage go up faster, making me look like I wrote more than I did. I am such a sucker for instant gratification.

Another 1237 words and Meese hits 10k words! Yay!

Also, I'm planning something, but I'm not going to tell you about it until I know fo sho that it will go ahead. Just to avoid disappointment, you know. For us both.


Wednesday, December 8, 2010

The Lighthouse Duet

Just read a good fantasy novel. Two of them, in fact. The first one kept me up till 5am, reading. Then I dreamed of it, woke up, and read some more. I was thoroughly impressed by the story. I could not predict it, which is something I have a lot of trouble with in other, lesser books.

The second one kept me up until 4am, but that's because I forced myself to sleep since I had a test in the morning. I finished it last night, even though I should have studied for my Asia-Pacific Final tomorrow. It was that good.

So, if you're looking for a couple of good books and happen upon this blog (the latter of which is highly unlikely), give these two a consideration. Here's the link to the author's website for them: Carol Berg's Website.

Also, sorry for the lack of blogging. For all you people that don't visit. Let's blame school. It's the popular excuse.
